Membership Information

Why Join PLAC?

PLAC brings together corporations and outside legal counsel in an environment of trust and openness with a common goal of managing risk throughout the entire product life cycle. Our conferences, webinars, industry discussion forums and action groups are by “invitation only” where our corporate and sustaining members freely can exchange ideas and wisdom drawn from their many years of experience. We provide our members with the most salient, up-to-the-minute legal resources required to navigate the current—and future—litigation environment.

Types of Membership

Corporate Membership

PLAC is a distinct legal associations created by, and for the benefit of, product manufacturers and suppliers. Members share their collective knowledge and experiences and in turn, deepen their understanding of emerging risks and legal challenges in the current litigation and regulatory landscape.  Through exchanges of legal intelligence, research, and guidance, members gain tools to develop best practices and strategies for addressing legal issues. Because Corporate Membership resides with the corporation, all members of legal, regulatory, technical and risk departments are welcome to join PLAC events, receive mailings, and participate in association activities.

Click here for an application.

Sustaining Membership

Our Sustaining Members represent the best and most experienced regulatory, trial and appellate legal professionals from the US and abroad. PLAC offers the opportunity for sustaining members to share their collective wisdom, derived from hundreds of jury trials, appeals and regulatory actions with in-house counsel around the world. Our Sustaining Members support our Corporate Members and each other, tapping into their considerable skills and expertise to draft amicus briefs, formulate and deliver compelling seminar content, and lead special projects. They are “on call” to the corporate counsel of PLAC—providing rapid response confidential counsel on strategies, experts and mediators when legal priorities are the most urgent.

Click here for an application.

Future Leader Membership

PLAC’s Future Leaders Program was developed to provide an alternate path to Sustaining membership for senior associates and junior partners who have been practicing between four (4) and twelve (12) years. Membership is open to prospective members who maintain a substantial part of their practice in the product liability, regulatory or appellate areas exclusively for defendants and practice in firms that do not routinely represent plaintiffs in product liability matters.

Click here for an application.

About Membership

PLAC has more than 70 corporate members from multi-national and national corporations (manufacturers and suppliers) and over 300 of the leading regulatory, litigation and appellate professionals. Our corporate representatives come from the legal, risk, regulatory and technical areas of their companies.

Our Corporate Members include companies from the following industries:

  • Consumer Electronics
  • Consumer Products
  • Industrial Equipment
  • Pharmaceutical & Medical Device
  • Technology
  • Transportation

Our Sustaining Members are leaders in the regulatory, commercial litigation and appellate areas of the law and are personally invited to join our association. They come from both large and small firms from around the world.

We provide a thoughtful point of view as it relates to products and believe it is crucial that the viewpoint of our leading companies be considered as the law gets shaped.